Thursday, May 3, 2012


Someone I know lost his phone, so we made a deal: I'd replace it if he taught me something in Liberian English each day.

One morning:

Me: How are you?
T: You fail already.
Me: Fail how?
T: Start with Good Morning.
Me: It sounds too formal.
T: You can't skip it.
Me: Good morning. How are you?
T: Fine. What you want to know today?
Me: How do you compliment someone's clothing?
T: You say, "Where you sew you shirt from?"

I'm nice with languages but this one...this one is testing me. Observe: I think it's because I can't think of it as its own language and not, you know, English. Because why would I call a cartoon a muppet show? That is never going to happen. I'm on the verge of giving up speech entirely.

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