Thursday, May 3, 2012

Be Prepared

On the radio on Tuesday, a Liberian trying extra hard to sound like the BBC made a remark about the Boy Scouts of Liberia.

Me: Wait. What!?
T: What.
Me: There are boy scouts in Liberia?
T: Yes.
Me: What do they DO here?
T: Go to events.
Me: I can't believe this.
T: We call them chicken rogue. It make them mad but we laugh.

A rogue is a thief in Liberian English. Why would you call someone a chicken thief? Because small, nimble people thieve chickens.

Among other things.

Later that day, my colleague came in looking confused.

Me: What's up?
D: My little sister's sick.
Me: Is she OK?
D: Yes. She's my baby.
Me: You have many babies. How's your chimpanzee?
D: They took him.
Me: Who?
D: Thieves.
Me: To do what?
D: To eat him.
Me: How do you know??
D: They came over the fence at night. 
Me: Maybe they stole him to resell as a pet.
D: They left a blood trail. They took my dog, too. 
D: People eat dog here. They call it issue.
Me: They cooked your pets?
D: They cooked my pets. Meat is meat.

In the States, this would require family therapy and an immediate assembly of the neighborhood watch. 

Here, it's just Monday.

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